• What Are Home Prices in San Diego Now??,achieversrealty-com

    What Are Home Prices in San Diego Now??

    Hey there, Betsy Heller here, Achievers Realty, talking to you today about home prices in San Diego County and what I see going forward for the second, third, and fourth quarters of this year and on into next year. I want to start with this graph. This is a graph of the last five recessions. […]


  • Real Estate Market Updates for San Diego!,achieversrealty-com

    Real Estate Market Updates for San Diego!

    May 3, 2020 Market Activity: Today I have some information as we are living our lives at home separately from one another. I’m here to bring you some real estate news that I’m hoping will help ease your mind. If you’re here in the San Diego market you are probably wondering what is going on […]


  • Need Mortgage Loan Forgiveness?,achieversrealty-com

    Need Mortgage Loan Forgiveness?

    This message is for EVERYONE-Even if you don’t own a home yet. WHY?! Because you probably know someone who does… and they are scrambling trying to figure out what to do if they have suddenly found themselves out of work or sick. CALL YOUR BANK to find out their CARES Act program for your mortgage. […]
